Lately I have still continuously struggled with spending time with the Lord...I talk about how much I need it and want it but still fail miserably with following through with actually DOING it! Chris said "we're about to go Campus Outreach on this issue" (accountability for spending time with the Lord). Chris and I spend time with the Lord together but we also need the personal time with Him. But, I
don't want to make it like a chore, something I check off of my list. And I
don't want it to be something that I do to please someone else or something I pat myself on the back for "doing something good". Doing things for the Lord are not enough, I miss the relationship with Him and I hope that is what I begin to truly desire! I'm tired of talking about it and not following through with it and I NEED accountability. I think I've been living to "free" in my walk with the Lord and now I see my "freedom" leading into me being more liberal in my thoughts, speech and actions.
I am beginning studying Ephesians with the women's group at church and I think this is going to be a good start for me to study and want more of Him in my daily life! This is my new year's spend more time WITH Him instead of DOING THINGS for Him! In a world that is so far from the Lord, Christians must pull together in growing in Him and also praying for the lost. Will you join me?