Thursday, October 2, 2008


First of all...along with my crazy busy life of school (im getting my masters), work, softball, and being a wife...Chris and I are also the intern youth ministers at our church. We enjoy it but it is time consuming! We took the Sr. High kids to a camp called Bonclarken up in Flat Rock, NC. To be honest...I was not happy about this trip. I was exhausted from the week before, we couldn't leave until after the Thomson football game b/c some of the kids played in the band, and I just wanted to stay home and relax. We ended up not getting there until 2:30 Saturday morning, got 5 hours of sleep and up for the day. Basically I was just there... For the first part of the morning we went to two siminars (much like Christmas Conference). The one I went to was about sanctification. WOW! The Lord really spoke to me! Some things the guy that spoke hit on was about our sin and how until we see our sin the way God sees it we will never see God for who He is and what he has done. There was a quote from a puritain that he read "Till sin be bitter, Christ will never be sweet." This quote really impacted me. I dont see my sin like I should and I definitley dont hate it like I should! And until I hate my sin, Christ will never be as sweet.