Wednesday, September 24, 2008


This summer I realized that my heart was so cold toward God. I was so angry with him because of what is going on with my brother and I don't understand how God could just leave him where he is and not change him. I have prayed and prayed for him and I feel like my prayers don't help. So, I stopped, because I was bitter at God. Why wont God change Morgan's heart? Why won't He send someone to impact his life? Why won't He allow Morgan to realize he needs help...Why? As I questioned God and spent time in his word this summer I realized again that my thoughts aren't His and my ways aren't His and even though I may not understand right now....or ever, He is still God and He is still good.

Lately I feel like my life is such a whirlwind I don't even know how to slow down. I go to work, practice, come home and cook, sleep and start all over the next day. I feel like I don't have any time to clean, rest, or even do things that I need/want to do. This semester with school has gone by so fast! I have so much to do and feel like there is so little time. My time with the Lord is scarce and almost non-existent. I desire so much to know God more and to make Him known through my daily life, yet I don't have time to spend with Him. Maybe its more that I don't make time to spend with Him. The free time that I do have I am resting or catching up on housework. Today I have realized that I need to value my time with God and when I do have time, even if its only a few minutes, I need to spend it in prayer or in the word. Please pray for me to desire and for me to see the importance of time with God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

will pray for you friend. im encouraged about how your heart desires those things!

want to remind you, though, that being faithful to what God has called you to do (as you are) is pleasing to him. Be encouraged, friend.

"and though I feel as cold as clay, he will not, cannot go away..."